
This section runs through a pipeline for common tasks to analyze the radiology reports.

Working with data

See this doc.

Running RadText

You can configure the input file names in run_pipeline.sh. Then use the following command to run RadText’s pipeline:

$ bash run_pipeline.sh

After the script is finished, you can find the labels at output/output.csv. Each row is related to one report, and has multiple findings, such as Atelectasis and Cardiomegaly. In this file, 1 means positive findings, 0 means negative findings, and -1 means uncertain findings. The definition of findings can be found at ./resources/cxr14_phrases_v2.yml.

The pipeline will also generate 6 intermediate files. For example, the parse.xml file consists of the parse tree of each sentence. The content and format of these files should be self-explained.

Building a Pipeline

RadText provides simple, flexible, and unified interfaces for downloading and running various NLP models. At a high level, to start annotating text, you need to first initialize a Pipeline, which pre-loads and chains up a series of BioCProcessor, with each processor performing a specific NLP task (e.g., de-identification, sentence split, or named entity recognition).

Downloading models and building a pipeline of models shares roughly the same interface. Additionally, when building a pipeline, you can add customized options that select annotators, specify model path, or set variables. Here we aim to provide examples that cover common use cases. For all available options in the download and pipeline interface, please refer to the Advanced Usage.

The following minimal example shows how to download and load default processors into a pipeline for radiology reports:

nlp = radtext.Pipeline()


You only need to call download once for a fresh install or to check for model updates.

Specifying Processors

You can specify the processors to load, by listing the processor names in a list of string. For example, here we only load the default de-identification and ssplit processors:

nlp = radtext.Pipeline(annotators=['deid:philter', 'ssplit'])

Annotating text

Annotating text is simple after a Pipeline is built and finishes loading: you can simply pass the text to the pipeline instance and access all annotations from the bioc object.

If the input is a str, the returned object is BioSentence. If the input is BioCCollection, BioCDocument, BioCPassage, or BioCSentence, the returned object is the same as the input.

doc = nlp('There is no plural effusion')
with open(filename) as fp:
    collection = bioc.load(fp)
collection = nlp(collection)

The following example shows how to print the text, lemma and POS tag of each word in each sentence of an annotated document:

for doc in collection.documents:
    for passage in doc.passages:
        for sentence in passage.sentences:
            for ann in sentence.annotations:
                print(ann.text, ann.infons['lemma'], ann.infons['tag'])

The following example shows how to print all abnormal findings in a document:

for doc in collection.documents:
    for passage in doc.passages:
        for ann in passage.annotations:
            if 'nlp_system' in ann.infons \
                and 'ner:regex' in ann.infons['nlp_system']:

Read more about Advanced Usage.